The Power of Direct Mail

Filed under: Communication, Marketing

When faced with so many high-tech, advanced, digital marketing tools, it may seem like direct mail postcards are old school and out of touch with today’s advertising strategies. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Direct mail marketing has always been a staple of savvy dentists and these days, it’s more popular and successful than ever for several reasons. Considering that so many people now receive bills and personal business by email, resulting in far less physical mail, that means what does arrive in the mailbox stands out that much more.

Why Direct Mail Makes an Impression

In contrast, statistics show that Americans receive an average of 16 pieces of mail each week compared to more than 600 emails in our inbox. Besides being much easier and faster to delete an email – sometimes before even being read – traditional mail tends to sit around longer providing a great top-of-mind opportunity. So, even if the card is tossed, it has created an impression.

Direct mail products are also generationally appealing. Many older residents use phones and computers much less than their younger counterparts, so they miss many digital advertising efforts. And a United States Postal Service (USPS) survey revealed that younger generations, especially millennials, love receiving physical mail in the midst of their predominantly digital influx of ads.

The pandemic has elevated the value of direct mail as well. As more businesses continue to support fully remote employees, more people are relocating for financial and quality of life purposes. Which means a postcard from a local business is always welcome to newcomers in town in need of services.

Although direct mail can seem pricey at first, it can have a return on investment (ROI) median rate of 29% and a 9% response rate.

Making Direct Mail Marketing Work for You

Just as with digital marketing, it’s imperative to find your target audience and avoid having your hard work and dollars end up in the trash bin. The USPS created their Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) program to help businesses find the ideal consumer demographics or you can purchase a curated mailing list from one of the many list companies available.

Postcards are also a great way to stay in touch with your existing patient base, reminding them of appointments due or special offers. For recent newcomers to the community, be sure to create an appealing, dynamic piece of mail that will stand out from the rest. New patient offers or discounts are important hooks.

How do you know if your direct mail campaign is working? While you may notice an uptick in new appointment phone calls, there are more efficient ways to track your success and ROI, including:

  • Train the front desk to always inquire how they heard about you
  • Designate a phone number or line that correlates with the mail pieces
  • Create a landing page, URL, or coupon code specifically for special offers
  • Track your results

When you or your marketing agency measures the results, it should be easy to determine if a few new patients from one mailing offset the initial investment. But don’t drop the ball. Combining a direct mail campaign with digital marketing such as follow-up emails is highly recommended.

At RAMP Results, we work specifically with the dental profess to determine the perfect combination of traditional and cutting-edge marketing solutions for each individual practice and region. Give us a call today for a free consultation.