Incorporating Philanthropy into Your Dental Marketing
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill
Most dentists enter their field with a strong desire to help people, so it’s not surprising when they incorporate philanthropy into their personal and professional practice. With Thanksgiving around the corner as well as December, the official Month of Giving, the sense of gratitude and desire to help others are heightened.
In addition to the fulfillment that comes with charitable acts, there is a distinct benefit to your business when generosity is factored into a dental marketing plan. Some of the advantages giving back can provide a successful dental practice include:
- Elevate your brand
- Raise your profile in the community
- Attract more ideal patients whose personal causes aligns with yours
- Draw quality team members who appreciate your mission
- Tax breaks
- It feels good!
What Matters Most
There are so many great ways to get involved with philanthropic efforts, but the first thing to do is identify which causes matter the most to you. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of underserved communities or unmet needs, around the world and close to home. Whether it’s children, refugees, local charities, or international missions, throwing your time and resources into something that speaks to your heart is all the more rewarding.
Sponsorships of local youth sports is a popular and easy way to engage with the community. Covering the cost of uniforms, membership or venue fees, and refreshments can make a huge difference to kids who couldn’t otherwise participate.
Volunteer with your staff to build a home for Habitat for Humanity or serve Thanksgiving dinner to those who have nowhere to go. By lending a hand as a team, there is a deeper sense of caring that will carry over into your practice.
Free dental care can be life-changing for those without means. Many dentists take time out of their year to travel to underserved countries and provide services, but there are always opportunities in your own neighborhood as well. Dentists can also provide dental health education at schools or oral cancer screenings at senior centers.
Community events are a great chance to join in and raise your profile in town. Sponsor a booth that promotes your pet charity. Build a float for the annual parade with your team, while raising awareness.
Holiday giving adds to the joy of the season and is easy to do by placing an angel tree in the waiting room which has gift wishes for children in need; toy collection boxes; food drives; or include a fundraising link in the annual holiday email greeting.
Dental organizations like the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and the National Children’s Oral Health Foundation – just to name a few – all have charitable causes for members to participate in and incorporate into their practices.
Charity Navigator is a valued organization that not only directs you to worthy groups aligning with your passions, but also verifies their reputation.
The current generations are very cause-driven and will find like-minded practices more appealing when it’s time to seek out dental care or change dentists.
Generosity as Your Brand
While some people are uncomfortable tooting their own horn for good deeds, there’s truly nothing wrong with connecting your philanthropy to your practice. It can be done seamlessly by sharing community involvement on social media accounts, email newsletters, or digital advertisements.
Promote charitable events that you’re involved with by sending a press release to local media. It not only elevates the organization to the public, but your business as well.
Not sure how to get started with the messaging of generosity marketing? RAMP can provide you a complimentary evaluation and help plan your 2023 marketing strategy.
Happy Thanksgiving!